23 Kinnicutt Road South, Worcester, MA
From the East
Take the Mass Pike West to Route 495 N. Take Route 495 N to Route 290W. Take Route 290 W to Exit 18 – Route 9, Ware, Framingham Exit.
At the bottom of the ramp, turn right at the lights and take the very next right onto Salisbury Street. Go through the traffic lights and follow Salisbury Street as it makes an “S” curve. Continue on Salisbury Street past the Worcester Art Museum on your left. Go straight through the next set of traffic lights passing Worcester Polytechnical Institute on your left and Institute Park on your right. At the next set of lights, (First Baptist Church on the left) go straight up the hill, which intersects with Park Avenue. Stay straight on Salisbury Street for about a quarter of a mile up the hill. You will come to a fork in the road. And bear left staying on Salisbury Street. Go about a quarter of a mile down the street till you see Jamesbury Drive at the bottom of the hill. You will also see a sign that says “Beth Israel Congregation”. Turn left onto Jamesbury Drive. You will see the synagogue at the foot (end) of the street. Bear to the left passing a parking lot on the left and go straight onto Kinnicutt Road. One half mile down the road you will see a stop sign, which intersects with Amherst Street. Go straight onto Kinnicutt Road South. You will pass some tall trees on your right hand side. I am the fifth house on the right at number 23. This is a dead end road. My two story house is sage green in color with a porch and stonewall in the front. You will see a circular sign at the end of the driveway that says, “John Lenis Photography”. On the front side of the garage you will see a sign with an arrow that says “In Back”. A brick walkway will lead you to the back where my studio is located. You will see a red awning with black cameras on it and my studio name, “John Lenis Photography”. A doorbell is located to the left of the door.
From the West
Take the Mass Pike East to Route 290. Follow 290E to Exit 17 – Route 9, Ware, Framingham Exit. At the end of the off ramp, turn left onto Belmont Street. At the bottom of the hill you will see the Worcester Police Station on your left. At the first traffic light take a right onto Lincoln Street. Get into your left lane immediately and at the next traffic light take a left onto Salisbury Street. Follow above instructions continuing on Salisbury Street passing the Worcester Art Museum on your left.
From the South
Take Route 146N into Worcester. Route 146 ends at on ramp for Route 290. Take Route 290E, right hand side up ramp to Exit 17 – Route 9, Ware, Framingham Exit. Follow directions above.
From the North
Take 190 to Route 290W to Exit 18 – Route 9, Ware, Framingham Exit. Follow directions above.
The GPS may take you to 23 Kinnicutt Road, a brown house or 23 Elmwood Road, a gray house and also on a dead end street. These are the wrong addresses.